working day 意味
営業日、労働日、作業日、仕事日、取引日、就業日◆【同】workday -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : <→WORKING-DAY>
in which i spent every working day of the last six years . 6年間毎日経験した事です yeah , now i have no problem working day and night . ええ 今は 昼夜 働いたって 全然 平気。 they're working day and night to make an even better product . もっといいものをつくるんだって she's working day and night , but she's okay with it . あんたのためなら 昼も夜も 働いたって全然平気だって。 in which i spent every working day of the last six years . (laughter ) 6年間毎日経験した事です i will find you an army , your grace . i've been working day and night ... 私が軍隊を見つけます of a working day to attend , physically 自ら参加しないからといって she was living a grinding existence in egypt working day wages . エジプトで日雇い労働をし その日暮らしの貧しい生活をしていました that's the same as a 737 falling out of the sky every working day . これは737型旅客機が平日に毎日 墜落していることに相当します everyone's doing their best working day and night , but they're getting pretty exhausted . みんな 不眠不休で 頑張ってくれていますが➡
Noun the amount of time that a worker must work for an agreed daily wage; "they work an 8-hour day" Synonyms: workday , a day on which work is done Synonyms: workday , work day ,